faulty brakes Watch Illinois deputy save frantic driver in runaway car from plunging into a lake (video) Carla Sinclair
sinkholes Uh-oh. Huge sinkhole swallows up Illinois soccer field — which was built over a working mine (video) Carla Sinclair
14th Amendment Illinois becomes 3rd state to remove Donald Trump from the primary ballot Carla Sinclair
illinois "Gradutate": important word misspelled on 600 stoles worn by high school graduates Rusty Blazenhoff
elections Kristal Larson becomes first transgender person elected to nonjudicial office in Illinois Jess Sabine
health For the first time, you can search the database of money that publicly funded researchers in Illinois received from pharma companies Cory Doctorow
Kids Illinois schools don't just lock special ed kids in solitary, they also restrain them Cory Doctorow
christ what an asshole The Lincoln Library executive director got fired for renting Glenn Beck the original Gettysburg Address Cory Doctorow
Kids Quiet Rooms: Illinois schools lead the nation in imprisoning very young, disabled children in isolation chambers Cory Doctorow
ransomware The penniless hero of the ransomware epidemic has written more decryptors than anyone else Cory Doctorow
law Billions on the line as Facebook loses appeal over violating Illinois facial recognition law Cory Doctorow
law Affluent parents surrender custody of their kids to "scam" their way into needs-based college scholarships Cory Doctorow
Business Illinois almost passed a bill that banned devices that record you without your consent — and then Big Tech stepped in Cory Doctorow