A cheerleader in Pennsylvania has won a free-speech case against her school, which tried to punish her for insulting it on social media.
The case involves a First Amendment challenge to the Mahanoy Area High School's "Cheerleading Rules," which prohibit cheerleaders from posting any "negative information" about cheerleading online. B.L. was kicked off the junior varsity cheerleading squad for posting a Snap to Snapchat on the weekend that school officials believed was "negative," "disrespectful," and "demeaning." … On March 21, 2019, the court granted the plaintiff's motion for summary judgment, finding that the school did not have the authority to discipline her for her off-campus speech and that the school was in violation of the First Amendment..
"fuck school fuck softball fuck cheer fuck everything," to quote the magnificent B.L., but most of all fuck the Mahanoy Area High School for trying to silence its students off-campus.