scholarship The first-ever close analysis of leaked astroturf comments from China's "50c party" reveal Beijing's cybercontrol strategy Cory Doctorow
Delightful Creatures A basketball "puppy race" at halftime was a big, adorable flop when every pup rebelled (video) Carla Sinclair
deepfakes Mother arrested for making deepfakes to humiliate daughter's cheerleading squad members Mark Frauenfelder
terrorists Incel blows off own hands trying to make anti-cheerleader bomb, still a wanker Rob Beschizza
trumpism Kleptocracy in America: Russian-style corruption, driven by global oligarchs, enabled by US elites Cory Doctorow
books Winners Take All: Modern philanthropy means that giving some away is more important than how you got it Cory Doctorow
books America, Compromised: Lawrence Lessig explains corruption in words small enough for the Supreme Court to understand Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Everyone — not just Europeans — needs to save the internet from the EU's terrible copyright proposal Cory Doctorow
hope you vaccinated your kid Cheerleading competition may have been ground zero for mumps outbreak Jason Weisberger
corruption Now that they know the NSA is spying on them, Congress is really worried about domestic surveillance Cory Doctorow
privacy NSA's biggest congressional apologist is outraged that the NSA spied on him and Israel Cory Doctorow