Donald Trump's desperate PR attempt "speech" from this morning read kind of like the lyric sheet from some obscure Radiohead-wannabe art-rock band.
So naturally, comedian Emily Heller took it to the next level by feeding it into OpenAI's "Talk To Transformer" Neural Network.
I fed the first part of Trump's I WANT NOTHING note into @OpenAI's Neural Network on and the computer did the rest
— Emily Heller (@MrEmilyHeller) November 20, 2019
I assumed this was real, but I still wanted to try it out for myself. And wow, the results were not disappointing.
First up: the opening scene to a noir novel. Not quite "shooting someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue and not losing any supporters"-level, but it's close.
So I tried again. And this time, the Neural Network came out with a straight-up Ramones song.
On my third try, the Artificial Intelligence showed a greater capacity for aspiring towards human emotions than Trump himself ever has.
And this one basically just sounds like Trump talking in his sleep during a wet dream.
As we can see from below, even the Neural Network knows that dozens of women have credibly accused the President of sexual assault.
And finally, this one that … actually just sounds like the way Trump talks on a good day.
You can try to fill-in-the-blanks on your own with OpenAI's Talk To Transformer neural network. Whatever it is the machine spews out will still probably be more coherent and articulate than anything Trump himself has ever come up with.