Visionaries Mark Mothersbaugh and Beatie Wolfe have a request: Please send hand-decorated postcards STAT.
Their mail-art challenge, Postcards for Democracy, is described as "a demonstration to support the 225 yr old U.S. Postal Service & the right to VOTE."
It's easy to play:
Just make & mail your original postcard creations (you can also recycle an existing one!) to "Postcards for Democracy, 8760 Sunset Blvd, West Hollywood, CA 90069, USA"
email/social us a photo of the card too (if you can)
Any design or statement is cool to put on your postcard. All mailed entries will be collected for an exhibition in both a physical gallery and in a virtual space "as a testament to these times."
image via Postcards for Democracy (photo taken before Mark contracted COVID-19!)