Porktector is a "Pork-infused Pepper Spray" sold on Amazon. [Update: it's been taken down] Why pork? I'm glad you asked. Here's the official product description, as published at the product page at Amazon.
Completely unique to Porktector™, is that it is infused with pig oil. Just warning an Radical Islamic attacker, like the rape gangs all through Europe, that there is pig oil in the spray may be enough to send them running without having to spray. This product is meant to be used against any attacker. Due to the unique problem of Muslim rape gangs in Europe and soon coming to the United States, we would hope that just threatening to spray the attackers with our swine oil infused pepper spray would be enough to stop them, and send them running for fear of going to HELL.
Amazon's platform being used to sell counterfeit and offensive products appears to be out of control. Just days ago, it had to explain to a British lawyer why it was selling caps with the text "Black Lives Don't Matter". And just days before that, it took down a shirt that called for Down's Syndrome to be made 'extinct' after complaints from disability advocates.
The racist pepper spray is sold through Amazon's third-party seller platform by Porktector LLC, which has a live trademark registration on the name. A website was briefly live but is now gone. After all, why waste the money marketing yourself when Amazon's platform does it for you?