Dave Addey is author of Typeset in the Future: Typography and Design in Science Fiction Movies, a book exploring the typography of films like 2001: A Space Odyssey, Blade Runner, WALL-E, and other classics. In an excerpt on his site, Addey studies the typography of Star Trek: The Motion Picture. From Typeset in the Future:
If you like the style of Star Trek or [the] Star Trek Film [font], and want to use them to spice up your corporate communications, I have excellent news. In 1992, the creators of the Star Trek franchise partnered with Bitstream to release an officially licensed "Star Trek" Font Pack. The pack contains full versions of Star Trek and Star Trek Film, plus Star Trek Pi (a collection of insignias and Klingon glyphs) and Starfleet Bold Extended (a Eurostile look-alike that appears on the outside of many Starfleet craft)[…]
Alas, [Star Trek:} The Original Series's inconsistent typography did not survive the stylistic leap into the 1970s. To make up for it, The Motion Picture's title card introduces a new font, with some of the curviest Es known to sci-fi. It also follows an emerging seventies trend: Movie names beginning with STAR must have long trailing lines on the opening S:
The font seen in The Motion Picture's titles is a custom typeface created by Richard A. Foy, known at the time as Star Trek Film (and now known in digital form as Galaxy):
Star Trek Film also shows up on the movie's US one-sheet poster, with bonus Technicolor beveling to make it even more futuristic:
"Typeset in the Future: Star Trek: The Motion Picture" (via Kottke)