Grinnell and Annie are peregrine falcons that live atop a 300-foot clock tower on the UC Berkeley campus.
"It's serendipity that cities mimic what peregrines need and are looking for in a habitat," says UC Berkeley bird biologist Sean Peterson who helped install video cameras atop the bell tower. "Cities have a lot of prey animals — pigeons especially. And then they have a lot of fake cliff faces for them to nest on: all these tall buildings. And that gives them protection from predators and lots of places for them to hunt."
From KQED's Deep Look:
Grinnell and Annie have raised four groups of chicks, called clutches, on the bell tower, affectionately known as the Campanile (camp-ah-NEE-lee), starting in 2017. That's when Bell, Peterson, his wife, bird biologist Lynn Schofield, and volunteer raptor nest monitor Mary Malec discovered Annie nesting at the top of the tower on a wet sandbag and built her a nest out of a plastic tray filled with pea gravel. Gravel is similar to the pebbles or sandy soil they lay their eggs on in the wild and drains well, which allows the parents to keep their eggs warm. Though two eggs were lost by the time nest construction took place, two chicks were born from the eggs that survived.