The day after Florida's Department of Health ordered gun-pointing police to raid data scientist Rebekah Jones' home, Ron Filipkowski, the commissioner and vice-chair for the 12th Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission tendered his letter of resignation.
I have been increasingly alarmed by the governor's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. I believe the policy of this state towards COVID-19is reckless and irresponsible. I remained in my position because health policy was unrelated to my job on the JNC. However, the recent events regarding public access to truthful data on the pandemic, and the specific treatment of Rebekah Jones, has made the issue now a legal one rather than just medical..
I have followed the events with Ms. Jones, seen the quality of her replacement, and reviewed the search warrant that led to her home being raided yesterday by multiple armed officers. Based on what I have seen and read, I find these actions unconscionable. Even if the facts alleged are true, I would still call her a hero. I also find Mr. Piccolo's statements that the governor was unaware of the raid not credible. Please take action to fill my vacancy on the JNC as soon as possible the couple. I no longer wish to serve the current government of Florida in any capacity.