Labor organizing has been on the rise in media and tech. And just this week, Quartz launched a multi-part series investigating how, "a new generation of employee activists is pushing back against their employers, and trying to make companies, and the world, better in the process."
If you work in media or tech—or you're interested in labor organizing—the tech activist site Collective Action in Tech has a great new solidarity toolkit for onboarding would-be-union members. It not only helps you get them up to speed on the benefits of unionization efforts and collective bargaining, but also breaks down the tactics often used by management to suppress such efforts—tactics which might sound sugar-sweet but have ever actually served anyone but management and investors.
This is a collection of common anti-labor statements companies use to dissuade employees from organizing. Each page is a wealth of advice, guidance, wisdom, and inspiration.
Tech activists, artists, and creators who helped organize Google, Facebook, WeWork, Kickstarter, and more have annotated this assemblage of statements, crafting a counter narrative directly over the words employed to keep us from uniting. The project was brought to life by hundreds of Kickstarter backers and originally printed as a limited edition zine by Radix Media.
Solidarity Onboarding [Clarissa Redwine / Collective Action in Tech]