solidarity forever Comedians tell Los Angeles City Council that they are going on a "boning sabbatical" Jennifer Sandlin
class war Kickstarting a union onboarding kit for workers at Kickstarter (and other tech companies) Cory Doctorow
surveillance capitalism Stop & Shop strike convinces 75% of loyal customers to take business elsewhere Cory Doctorow
los angeles After six days, LA teachers settle their strike, wringing huge concessions out of the school district Cory Doctorow
Business To rescue journalism, journalists must collaborate to defend free expression, not merely condemning Trump Cory Doctorow
elections Missouri voters kill the state's anti-union law with a massively successful ballot initiative Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Seattle passes America's most comprehensive labor protections for domestic workers Cory Doctorow
Business UPS Teamsters ready to stage America's biggest strike since 1997, with solidarity as the main sticking point Cory Doctorow