If you've ever wanted to live and work in the scenic Scenic Rim region of Queensland, Australia, this could be your chance! According to the official Scenic Rim Jobs website:
Science Rim Jobs is an initiative of Scenic Rim Regional Council developed under the Regional Skills Investment Strategy and the Scenic Rim Prosperity Strategy 2020-2025.
To really sell you on these Scenic Rim Jobs, they add:
There are many attributes that make the Scenic Rim the perfect place to live, work and play. The jobsinscenicrim.com.au website is a one-stop shop connecting local people with local jobs. Local employers providing valuable jobs for local residents is a win-win for both parties and also helps to build the Scenic Rim's prosperous economy.
As of this writing, there are no sex work or ass-eating jobs currently listed on the website. But there is an opening for a "casual stable hand" to start immediately, which could very well be the same thing.
Scenic Rim Jobs [Scenic Rim Regional Council]