An information technology teacher at a fancy private school in Northumbria, England, was fired after getting drunk and taking students to a strip club. The incident, which took place during a school trip to Costa Rica and involved threats to the some of the students, resulted in Richard Glenn, 55, being sent home immediately "due to his behaviour". He later admitted gross negligence and has also been banned from teaching for three years.
According to the BBC, Glenn's rap sheet includes:
• Drinking with pupils
• Allowing one or more pupils to drink alcohol despite being under the legal age of 18
• Threatening to "kick the head in" of one pupil and "kill" another
• Telling one pupil: "I'm not in trouble – you'll be in trouble"
• After being aggressive to one pupil, he kissed the boy's forehead and told him "you're all right"
• Taking one or more pupils to a strip club
• Acting aggressively towards the woman leading the trip when she tried to help him back to his tent
• Exposing himself to the woman in a shared hotel room, although it was agreed this was not "malicious or sexually motivated"