Though the Ever Given was freed from the Suez Canal more than three months ago, it was not allowed to continue its journey, impounded by authorities over the vastly expensive weeklong blockage it caused. The operators, insurers and Egypt have struck a deal to cover the costs of the operation.
Speaking at the signing ceremony, SCA lawyer Khalid Abubakr said the authority was committed to keeping the terms of the agreement confidential. In a recorded message broadcast at the event, Yukito Higaki of Imabari shipbuilding, of which Shoei Kisen is a subsidiary, said the company would continue to be "a regular and loyal customer" of the Suez Canal Authority. The vessel, with an Indian crew, is still loaded with about 18,300 containers.
I wonder what an extra four months on the high seas will have done to the cargo. Any nasty surprises in store when this boat finally unloads at Felixstowe?