Luxury watch brand TAG Heuer have teamed up with Nintendo for a $2000 Super Mario-themed smart watch that runs on Apple's WearOS. According to Ars Technica, it's a variation on the 2020 TAG Heuer Connected, a 45mm watch with a 1.39-inch, 454×454 OLED display that has wifi, NFC, GPS, 1GB of RAM, and 8GB of storage, along with a heart-rate sensor — the same kind of things you can find on most WearOS watches, plus all the fancy TAG Heuer hardware touches.
So what makes it a Super Mario watch? It can't convert flowers into fireball power; it can't use mushrooms as a super-powered growth hormone (nor will it change size along with you should you consume any super-powered size-changing mushrooms along the way); it doesn't even come with a little cap n' cape to increase your jump-flight capabilities. But it is bedazzled with the same "M" logo as Mario's cap, with a mushroom, warp pipe, and star bezeled in place of the 3, 6, and 9. In that way, it's not much of an aesthetic upgrade from this $12 Super Mario watch.
However, if you use the TAG Heuer watch as a step-counter, it plays a little animation of Mario sliding down a flagpole when you reach your step goal. And that alone might be worth 2Gs.