This highly-rated power strip is a must-have for your home office

Whether you work from home, are a gamer, or simply own a smart gadget or two, finding enough outlets to plug everything into feels a lot like hunting for the world's hottest toy at Christmas time. In other words, it's a little chaotic, to say the least. And while traditional power strips are an obvious solution, they're not always the safest option out there. 

Look, it's 2021, and technology has a lot more to offer us these days, especially when it comes to safe power. And that's where the Smart Power Strip comes into play. This smart outlet is capable of powering up to six devices at a time, whether they need traditional AC outlets or USB ports.

Unlike the other power strips, you're used to using, this little guy doesn't pose the threat of overheating. In fact, the circuit breaker automatically breaks off when the current exceeds the threshold, so no high temps will damage your electric devices or potentially start a fire. It also boasts overload protection and automatically shuts off to keep things completely safe. 

Another modern feature this smart strip is toting around is its voice-control capabilities. Compatible with both Amazon Alexa and Google Home, you can control things completely hands-free. It even has the accompanying Gosund App, giving you even more control, allowing you to schedule plug-ins and set up countdowns to turn the plug on at certain times.

With its smart capabilities and multi-tasking powers, it's no surprise that the Smart Power Strip is making a splash online, earning it an impressive 4.5 stars on Amazon. From its conveniently shaped size to its accomodating ports, users all over the country are throwing out their old school power strips and never looking back. 

In honor of the current semi-annual sale, the Smart Power Strip with Surge Protector is just $12.74 (reg. $19) when you use the code ANNUAL15 at check-out.