Speaking at a town hall in Georgia yesterday, Russian asset Marjorie Taylor Greene once again spoke her anti-democratic truth when answering a question from the audience.
Referring to Madison Cawthorne's pro-Putin stance that Ukraine's President Zelensky is a "thug" and that the "incredibly evil" Ukraine is "one of the most corrupt countries," the question on the Q&A card Greene was holding read, "Do you agree with Madison Cawthorne that Zelensky is corrupt and that the Ukrainian government is corrupt?"
To which Greene responded, "Yes and yes. That's an easy one."
Although the Georgia Q-injected congresswoman will criticize Putin when backed into a corner, she — along with Cawthorne, Tucker Carlson, and the rest of the far right Trump-and-Putin-lovin' lot — persists in vilifying Zelensky and Ukraine any chance she gets.
Via Politico