In Cincinnati, Ohio, animal control officers seized Adam Kordes's emotional support monkey, named Neo, back in February. Apparently, a vet who had seen video of Neo felt that the animal had likely been drugged and was "in dire need of veterinary care." Court documents state that the monkey's urine indicated it had ingested amphetamines. Since then, Kordes's attorney Lisa Rabanus has filed a motion stating that Neo is Kordes's emotional support animal and should be returned to him.
Prior to animal control seizing Neo, Kordes had reached out to Misfitland Monkey Rescue's Teresa Bullock concerned about Neo's health. It was Bullock who sent video of Neo to the vet who then called animal control. From Fox19:
Bullock also was concerned because Kordes had owned a capuchin monkey that died shortly before he got Neo. She believes Kordes gave drugs to the other monkey.
Bullock provided videos of Neo, apparently shot on Feb. 6, to her friend, the veterinarian in Florida, Jodi Thannum. On Feb. 7, Thannum called Cincinnati Animal Care, according to the search warrant, saying Kordes had a monkey "that was being given narcotics, such as adult amounts of Xanax and/or cocain(e)," and warned that the monkey could die.
(Thanks, Gil Kaufman!)
* image above is not Neo, included for illustrative purposes only