Lauren Boebert goes on another screwy Christian rant

Congress-preacher Lauren Boebert (Q–CO) is at it again, using her government position to spread her version of Christian nonsense (see video below). "The world will try to rehabilitate the hell out of you, teach the hell out of you," Boebert warned, undoubtedly proud she didn't fall into that trap.

"Parents may try to whip the hell out of you," the perpetually angry Boebert continued, offering a new interpretation to the Christmas photo that shows her children arming themselves with guns.

"But only Jesus can love the hell out of us." Not parents, but Jesus.

Wow, this explains a lot.

Front page thumbnail image by Gage Skidmore / Flickr, from Surprise, AZ, United States of America – Lauren Boebert, CC BY-SA 2.0