Today is All American Pet Photo Day

Today is All American Pet Photo Day! Well, that's pretty much every day at my house, but today it's official! How should you celebrate? According to

1. Do a photoshoot of your pet: Since the day is all about pet photos, get that camera out and start snapping photos of your pets. You can take photos of them in the outdoors, dress them up, or simply capture them in their usual spot on the couch or the windowsill. You can use some props to spruce up the photoshoot. If you have already done a pet photoshoot in the past, maybe you can recreate those photos with some added elements. Don't forget to upload them on social media and use the hashtag #AllAmericanPetPhotoDay.

2. Create a collage of your pet photos: Collect all your favorite photos of your loyal companions and set out to create a collage. You can either create a small collage for an album or go all out and make a collage big enough to decorate a wall in your house. After all, pets are the center of our universe.

3. Volunteer to take photos of animals in a shelter: On this day, why not extend our love to the pets living in rescue centers and shelters? If you know a thing or two about photography, you can volunteer to take photographs of the pets in your local shelter that they can use to adorn their walls or use them to spread the word to find these fur babies a forever home.

So, go celebrate All American Pet Photo Day, and enjoy these pics of the two best pets on the planet, Jax and Henry Rollins!