The Dutch city of Haarlem, which is roughly 20 miles from Amsterdam, is taking a controversial step to fight the climate impact of meat by banning ads promoting it in public spaces. The move, the world's first, would start in 2024. Other cities in Holland, including Amsterdam, have already prohibited airlines and other companies dependent on fossil fuels from putting ads on the city's buses, shelters, and screens.
Naturally, not everyone is happy with the decision, according to BBC News:
The motion drafted by GroenLinks – a green political party – has faced opposition from the meat sector and some who say it stifles free speech…
"The authorities are going too far in telling people what's best for them," said a spokesman from the Central Organisation for the Meat Sector.
The right-wing BVNL party called it an "unacceptable violation of entrepreneurial freedom" and said it "would be fatal for pig farmers".
"Banning commercials from politically born motives is almost dictatorial," Haarlem BVNL councillor Joey Rademaker said.
Ziggy Klazes, a GroenLinks councilor told Dutch publication Trouw, "Meat is just as harmful to the environment. We can't tell people there's a climate crisis and encourage them to buy products that are part of the cause."
Read More: Dutch city of Haarlem may be world's first to ban most meat ads; This City Just Banned All Meat Ads to Protect the Planet
image: lukeruk /