nyc Live EarthCam footage captures Manhattan cloaked in thick smoke from wildfires, roughly Pantone Bright Orange C Rusty Blazenhoff
france To cut carbon emissions, France bans short flights when a perfectly good train can get you there Rusty Blazenhoff
climate change COP27 is the first time the financial cost of climate change is on the agenda Thom Dunn
florida Florida gift shop flooded to draw attention to the state's climate emergency Rusty Blazenhoff
climate change Congress genius Bob Good knows more than 99% of scientists: "There is no climate crisis!" Carla Sinclair
climate change Amazon carbon emissions up 40% but somehow still on track for "net zero" by 2040 Thom Dunn
climate change New report shows that 10 Facebook pages are responsible for 69% of climate denial posts Thom Dunn
climate change The wealthiest countries spend twice as much on border security as climate change Thom Dunn
climate change New climate change mural by Joy Division artist riffs on his famous album cover Thom Dunn