v r $4.99, by Pippin Barr et al, is a virtual safari of selected assets from the Unity store, each shelved there at the price of $4.99. There is an astounding range of quality, style, genre and completeness; we might be known by this. I recommend not consulting the Visitor Guide before embarking, so that each bizarrely out-of-place artifact is a surprise. It runs on Mac and Windows, does not require VR, and is free of charge. ("trust me, I thought about charging $4.99")
What does $4.99 get you these days?! One crowbar?! Two swordfish?! Three airliners?! Four Sci-Fi doors?! A super store?! The Taj Mahal?! The Sahara desert?! A seagull?! Come and see! v r $4.99 is an exhibition of 3D assets purchased on the Unity Asset Store for US$4.99. The asset store has 46 unique categories of 3D assets, from the baseline 3D category, through to humanoids, dungeon environments, and vegetation. v r $4.99 contains two examples of each categories, positioned in the Sahara desert (yes, that's an asset that costs $4.99 as well), as an eclectic Noah's Ark of the kinds of things we can see in videogames. You're invited to take a walk around and consider the items on show, maybe ask some questions. Why is an "old mattress" the same price as a complete office interior? Do you prefer realism or low poly? What kind of game would you make with that UFO? What about those "horror trees"? Come one, come all!
v r $4.99 [Pippinbarr.com]