An angry gentleman took revenge on his house after his soon-to-be ex-wife filed for a restraining order. Sitting behind the wheel of a dump truck, the Los Angeles man deliberately drove straight into his own home, showing it who was boss. He then crushed his neighbors' cars while rolling over their yards for good measure (see video, posted by Downtown LA Scanner, below).
According to CBS News, it took 45 minutes for the police to arrive, giving the hothead ample time to repeatedly return to the scene, wreaking havoc each time. What's not clear is how he got the dump truck.
From CBS News:
Patricia Dunn said the man behind the wheel was her husband, Ronald Dunn.
They're in the process of getting a divorce and earlier this month, she filed for a restraining order, which enraged Ronald, Patricia said.
Neighbors said Ronald came back a third time a half-hour after the first deliberate crash. They recalled him yelling obscenities at his wife and neighbors, who were simply trying to comfort her.
Officers arrived almost 45 minutes after the initial 911 call, CBS L.A. says.
"If they had been up in here a bit earlier, all of this damage wouldn't have happened because he came back three times, and they weren't even here," said Patricia, crying.
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