Culinary hack: Unroll store-bought cinnamon rolls to make one giant, gooey masterpiece

I combined 5 Pillsbury cinnamon rolls into one by unrolling 4 and wrapping them around one.
by u/JephriB in pics

When Redditor JephriB couldn't fit the entire can of five cinnamon rolls into his air fryer individually, he ingeniously turned the situation into an opportunity to create a mouth-watering masterpiece. By unwrapping four individual rolls and spiraling them around a single center roll, JephriB was able to craft an absolutely massive cinnamon roll that perfectly fit into his air fryer.

This impressive giant cinnamon roll not only captured the admiration of fellow Redditors, but it also provided a clever method for achieving more a softer, gooier center. If you love the tender middle portion over the crispy outer crust, this technique is for you.

Ready to make one of your own? You're in luck, JefphriB shared the baking instructions: set the air fryer to 320°F, put the giant roll on parchment paper, cook for 9 minutes, flip it, and cook for an additional 8 minutes. Then, douse the ginormous novelty bun in icing and devour. (Neatorama)