Matt Gaetz drugs and underage sex allegations under microscope again as House restarts misconduct investigation

Matt Gaetz is finding out what happens when you act against your own party, as he did by voting against Speaker Kevin McCarthy's debt deal and then attempting to block subsequent GOP-led measures out of revenge. The U.S. House Ethics Committee has restarted its investigation into Gaetz after the Justice Department concluded its own inquiries without charging him.

Gaetz is under scrutiny for a variety of alleged misconducts, including sexual misconduct, illicit drug use, sharing inappropriate images or videos on the House floor, misusing state identification records, converting campaign funds to personal use, and accepting bribes or improper gifts.

Despite the Justice Department previously notifying Gaetz's lawyers that he would not be charged in a federal sex trafficking investigation, the Ethics Committee is proceeding with its own separate inquiry. As of now, the committee has not yet decided whether to establish a special investigative subcommittee. The decision to form such a subcommittee would require a vote and be disclosed to the public.

[Via Punchbowl]