Netflix's new documentary explores the 80s pop sensation, WHAM! Directed by Chris Smith (FYRE and Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond), this film presents the incredible story of George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley, childhood pals turned global pop icons.
The documentary includes unseen footage and unheard interviews to reveal the friends' odyssey, which started in 1982 and led them to dominate the music world. Within a short span of four years, WHAM! not only achieved household name status but also produced hits like "Club Tropicana," "Wake Me Up Before You Go Go," "Freedom," "I'm Your Man," and "Last Christmas." Signifying their profound cultural impact was their concert in China, making them the first Western pop act to achieve this feat.
One thing the trailer doesn't go into was why the duo broke up (creative differences, though the two reportedly remained friendly). I'm sure it's covered in the documentary.