This V-shaped bed from 1932 looks incredibly comfortable to me. The bed can go from a rectangle to a V-shape by the pull of a chain, and it is said to support one's body completely, as the bed cradles the sleeper on all sides.
So, why isn't this a thing anymore? Can we please bring this back?
To be honest, if there was a bed that wrapped around me 360 degrees, I'd take it. I want to feel like I'm swaddled inside a cocoon while I sleep.
From Got Weird:
"A V-shaped bed invented in 1932, supporting the body perfectly at every point and thus promotes better rest. When unused the bed is straight like every other bed. However, one pull on a chain at the side of the bed immediately changes it to a V-shape. Another advantage claimed for the bed is that the covers are held substantially away from the person, thereby allowing the free circulation of air to the body."