television "Worst investment ever," says person who just paid $3.2 million for the Brady Bunch house David Pescovitz
auctions Joan Didion's iconic sunglasses and other personal property to be auctioned off Mark Frauenfelder
fraud When a man came home, a stranger opened the door. His ID — and house — had been stolen Carla Sinclair
Murica Woman who spent 7 hours in ER and left without treatment receives hospital bill for $700 Mark Frauenfelder
Boing Boing Gadgets It's summer and a humidifier is now more important than ever. These 10 are on sale now Boing Boing's Shop
Boing Boing Gadgets This hyper-cool, minimalist floor lamp is guaranteed to spark a conversation Boing Boing's Shop
animal crossing "Animal crossing is a political hypothesis about how a different kind of world might work Dash with no losers" – Bogost Mark Frauenfelder