Christian nationalists sure do like quoting Adolf Hitler. In the video below posted by The Tennessee Holler, you can witness 20-year-old school board candidate Aaron Fulcher quoting Hitler at a Lenoir City church.
"A couple months ago, I guess it was in February, I decided that I was gonna run for school board," he said to the people in attendance. "Born and raised in Wilson County. And God put it on my heart that we're in the state of our country right now where people have to stand up, and they have to believe in the cause. And the cause is to defend the children in this country.
"You know, I hate to bring it up. But history repeats itself. And I wanted to be a history major before I decided to go into pre-law. And Adolf Hitler once said that the ones who rule the world are the ones who take charge of your children, you know, so it's important to stand up, it's important to implement a pro-American, pro-gun curriculum, in the high schools in the middle schools in the elementary schools. And I never did think I would receive as much flack as I have running as a pro-conservative, pro-Christian candidate in it. It's not me that they're after, it's the children."
Mr. Fulcher was referring to the same quote cited by the anti-liberty group Moms for Liberty as well as by Rep. Mary Miller of (R-IL) in front of the Capitol on January 6.
We are now at the stage where authoritarians have move from saying "Hitler was wrong" to"Hitler was right about one thing." The next step is to follow Kanye West's lead and drop "about one thing."