The Canterbury Auction Galleries in England are currently trying to get rid of an allegedly haunted rocking horse, which was previously owned by 1940s trance medium/ghost hunter Dick Godden in the 1940s, who made frequent use of the toy horse during seances. Specifically, it's:
An Early 20th Century Dappled Grey Rocking Horse, possibly by Lines, on turned pine supports and trestle base, 35.5ins wide x 33ins high
According to the late Godden, the horse was haunted by a little girl named Angela. Godden's legacy was recorded in the book Phantom Ladies by Andrew Green, in which he is said to have communicated with and identified the ghost of a child killing by a falling light at the historic Folkestone Theatre and Picture House in Kent, England.
Godden's granddaughter, Kelly, is the one selling the rocking horse, eager as she is to get the creepy thing out of her attic. She had this to say, according to Daily Star:
"I really feel that whoever bids on it should know, even though I realise that might put some people off.
"I remember playing on it as a child and it never bothered me – but she's just never been drawn to it, which is surprising."
Admitting that she has heard the horse rocking on her landing, she is adamant that she has never seen it move.
She went on: "It's often quite loud, as if someone is walking around, but there's no one up there.
"I'm sure some people will think I'm crazy but I just feel uneasy having it about the place, especially as my daughter isn't interested in it."
Bidding for the haunted rocking horse starts at £200, plus a "buyers premium" of 27% that goes to the auction house.
'I have to sell my haunted rocking horse that grandad used to speak to the other side' [Adam Cailler / The Daily Star]