Shocked and unable to shake off his horrible polling numbers, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is as terrible in public as his policies are in reality. Having won the Govenor's office against a nearly unelectable Democrat in any state, DeSantis' entire performance on the National stage has been one of shock and flubbery. Sending plane loads of immigrants to states in the North, facing off against Disney for not being wholesome enough for kids, and looking like a fool every time he speaks in public is not a path to success.
This fine example of DeSantis' explaining his poor polling performance to a reporter: "Say you!" says it all.
GOV. RON DESANTIS: If we make it about the vision for the future, we're going to win. Obviously, with me as the nominee, you know, we're going to focus on Biden's failures and our vision for the future. That's what the election will be about. If Donald Trump is the nominee, it's going to be about all those other issues.
GABE GUTIERREZ: With all due respect, Governor, you're down by 30 points, though.
GOV. RON DESANTIS: (PAUSE) Well, no, I mean, that… Says you! I mean, I can tell you, we've been in Iowa. I'm the one showing up at all these places. We're signing up people day after day here in Iowa.