A troop of baboons brawled with a leopard in northeastern South Africa's Kruger National Park. Two views of the action below. From Latest Sightings:
Merve [Mersinligil] and her hubby had just arrived at Kruger a couple of hours prior, excited for their honeymoon stay at Satara Camp. They were driving from Paul Kruger Gate to Tshokwane when BAM! Out of the blue, they spotted a leopard walking right next to the road. He looked very relaxed and not in any particular hurry. Then suddenly the leopard disappeared into the grass, and the moment was over . Or so they thought. A troop of baboons decided to cross the road, creating a traffic jam of their own. Now, you know baboons are cheeky and full of energy, so you can imagine the chaos and noise they created. I said to my hubby jokingly "Maybe we should give the baboons a heads-up about the leopard that we just saw". "I had a good laugh, especially since this was my first time in the African wilderness."