Dig this swingin' Japanese version of the Batman TV theme song

This version of the Batman TV show's (1966) theme song by Japanese musicians Johnnys with Jackey Yoshikawa & His Blue Comets is a banger. It includes a new verse, in Japanese, that only adds to the vibe.

This version was apparently used as the ending theme when the show was broadcast in Japan. The Japanese music website Kayo Kyoku Plus explains:

Well, I actually rolled the dice here and searched via Wiki/J-Wiki on whether there was a Japanese theme song for the original show (1966-1968) since I assumed that "Batman" the series also got its time in Japan as did many American shows. Guess what? I rolled a 7!

Yup, the opening had the original version but the ending theme consisted of the cover version thanks to a collaboration between the prime Johnny's Entertainment group, Johnnys(ジャニーズ), and the Group Sounds band Jackey Yoshikawa and his Blue Comets(ジャッキー吉川とブルーコメッツ).And this one had Japanese lyrics although I haven't been able to track down who took care of the words. Furthermore, there was some more of the beatnik music thrown in with a bevy of finger snaps and bluesy sax. Fun for the whole family!

Anyone who could translate the Japanese lyrics should be honored with the key to Gotham City.

Hat tip: Mark Evanier's blog News from Me