Donald Trump says he will bar immigrants who don't like "our religion" (video)

Even though the Constitution protects freedom of religion under the First Amendment, four-times indicted Donald Trump begs to differ. In fact, he told a MAGA crowd on the campaign trail yesterday that he will "implement ideological screening of all immigrants," and if they don't "like our religion," they'll be barred from entering the United States.

"… If you don't like our religion, which a lot of them don't … then we don't want you in our country, and you are not getting in," he said in New Hampshire. "We don't want you, get out of here! You're fired!" (See video below, posted by Acyn.)

Being that the U.S. does not have an official religion, I can only presume "our religion" refers to the religion of Trump, aka the cult of MAGA, followed by white nationalist antichrist Christians. And after they take care of the immigrants, they'll turn on all the others from within.

Front page thumbnail image: C-Span