Quick! Head over to the They Might Be Giants online shop and grab a free download of their live album Almanac. It was recorded during their 2004 tour across the United States at various venues in Atlanta, Asheville, Raleigh, San Francisco, New York, Brooklyn, and New Haven. The website "this might be a wiki: tmbg knowledge base" describes the album:
Almanac is a live album released digitally through the TMBG Download Store in December of 2004. The album was unavailable for purchase after 2009 until 2023, when it was relisted on the TMBG Shop in MP3 and (for the first time) uncompressed WAV. All songs on the album were taken from performances during the Spine On The Hiway Tour, mostly from the tour's latter half. Other live recordings from the tour were released on The Spine Hits The Road and Venue Songs.
The album features some of my favorite TMBG songs, including "I Palindrome I," "Dr. Worm," and the never-not-hilarious "Fingertips."
While you're at the TMBG shop, pick up a t-shirt on sale if you so fancy. Sadly, I wasn't able to see them on the 30th anniversary tour of Flood—one of my top 10 favorite albums—but I just snagged one of the 2023 Flood tour t-shirts for ten bucks. Score! Now, excuse me, I've got to go listen to Almanac.