Commutes longer than 30 minutes either way are associated with an increased likelihood of depression, according to a study published by Dong-Wook Lee and others published in the Journal of Transport and Health. The participants were 23,415 workers in South Korea.
"When compared with a short commuting time (< 30 min), a long commuting time (≥ 60 min) was associated with depressive symptoms," the authors write, adding that men in their 40s, women in their 20s, low-income workers and men working white-collar jobs, women with two or more children and men with none had "significant associations" with depressive symptoms.
This study demonstrated differential associations between commuting time and depressive symptoms based on sociodemographic features such as sex, age, and income. Various socio-economic conditions influence commuters' mental health. Tailored approaches suited to these features are needed to mitigate the influence of commuting time on depressive symptoms.
They didn't break it down by method of transit, but buddy, they ain't walkin'.