On his show last night, Jimmy Kimmel shared the theory that Donald Trump is suffering the physical and mental symptoms of syphilis.
Kimmel showed a picture of Trump waving his hand as he was going to court for his second defamation lawsuit against the woman he sexually assaulted. His palm has dark red sores.
Kimmel said, "many people noted [spots like Trump's] is a common symptom of syphilis, which could mean Donald Trump has syphilis, or syphilis has Donald Trump.
Kimmel then reminded the audience that in 1997 Trump was a guest on Howard Stern's radio program and said avoiding STDs in the 1980s was his "personal Vietnam," likening vaginas to "potential landmines."
"But if he has syphilis, said Kimmel, "it would mean the only Vietnam he avoided was Vietnam."
"It is possible that Trump may have a condition they call neurosyphilis. And while I am not a doctor, I thought that as a public service, it might make sense for us to go through the list of symptoms Cleveland Clinic presents." He goes on to list the symptons, which include: mood swings, memory loss, impaired judgment, confusion, delusions, delirium, mania, psychosis, and seizures. Each symptom is accompanied by a video clip of Trump, exhibiting the symptom.