Shaded color palette generator for the web is designed for theming the Tailwind CSS library, but it's great as a kind of linear palette generator, simply generating a batch of shaded colors and giving you a code snippet to define them on the web. Author Simeon Griggs writes that it was inspired by Refactoring UI.

Creating ten harmonious Swatches for a Palette can be hard work. So a while back, I made the first version of this Palette Generator over a weekend – and now I am excited to show off version 2! … The excellent Refactoring UI book by Adam Wathan and Steve Schoger inspires these principles. The same book recommends against automated tools, just like this one!

More from Griggs: In defence of over-engineering your blog. "Your own blog is the perfect, low-risk place to break, test and learn new things," he writes.

Previously: offers "Overly descriptive" color palettes