Meet Malié Mason, an actor, producer, content creator, comedian, and puppeteer. And meet Estelle, a fox puppet that looks like it came straight out of Crap Taxidermy. Don't let Estelle's bizarre looks scare you off, though—the furry creature that Malié describes as her "puppet child" has a charming personality and has garnered quite a cult following. Her fans flock to TikTok to hear her guided meditations and soak up her folk wisdom. One fan commented, "It appears my night terror has found a side hustle," and another provided this very succinct and accurate description: "It's as if Jim Henson went on a peyote trip…"
Both comments nailed it! I find Malié and Estelle absolutely hilarious, and I hope you enjoy them, too!
MDB provides this bio of Malié:
Malie Mason is an American actor, comedian, writer, director and producer. Her background started in acting and moved its way through production, writing, art direction and beyond. Mason has been producing content, performing stand-up, writing sketches and films now for thousands of years. Malie has spent years working with digital media outlets, creating branded and narrative content commercially as well. She has also always wanted to try space food.
For more Malié and Estelle, follow them on TikTok or Instagram.