Kimmel Exposes Trump Fans' Double Standards in Street Interviews — Jimmy Kimmel sent a camera crew to South Carolina to conduct street interviews (video below and here). The MAGA folk were initially presented with controversial quotes and actions attributed to Joe Biden, which were actually Trump's. When the truth was revealed, the proud Trumpers displayed cult-like cognitive dissonance, justifying Trump's statements or actions while previously criticizing them when attributed to Biden. Kimmel Exposes Trump Fans' Double Standards in Street Interviews

MAGA Cult Member 1
Interviewer: Do you mind if I just ask you a few questions about things that Biden has done in his administration, and you can kind of give me your opinion on that?
MAGA cult member 1: OK.
Interviewer: What did you think when Joe Biden suggested that Covid could be cured by shining a bright light inside the body?
MAGA cult member 1: It is very sad that Joe Biden is clearly a dementia patient.
Interviewer: What do you think about Joe Biden saying that getting through the '80s without getting HIV was his own personal Vietnam?
MAGA cult member 1: Again, it's very sad, his mental capacity, and that that is a very uneducated statement.
Interviewer: Okay, I'm so sorry, these are not… I got my notes mixed up. Can I ask you this question? Can we start over and me ask you with… okay."
MAGA cult member 1: Yeah.
Interviewer: What did you think when Donald Trump suggested that Covid could be cured by shining a bright light into the body?
MAGA cult member 1: It depends what that technology is. You know, that's a broad spectrum because, you know, you have MRI machines and CT machines and infrared and different things. So it just depends the context of that.
Interviewer: What did you think of Donald Trump saying that getting through the '80s without getting HIV was his own personal Vietnam?
MAGA cult member 1: Um…
Interviewer: Dementia patient?
MAGA cult member 1: No, no, I don't believe that. Um…

MAGA Cult Member 2
Interviewer: There are accusations that Joe Biden cheated on his wife with a porn star after his son was born, um, and there's actually a paper trail show, and he paid the sex worker $130,000 to keep quiet about it.
MAGA cult member 2: Who did that? Joe Biden?
Interviewer: Joe Biden.
MAGA cult member 2: And he, he was making, I think, less than $100,000 a year at that time as a Congressman — I mean, a senator. And how does he do that?
Interviewer: You tell me. Would you vote for someone that paid—?"
MAGA cult member 2: Of course not!
Interviewer: Okay, so Trump did do that.
MAGA cult member 2: Trump had a fling with Stormy Daniels.
Interviewer: And paid her $130,000.
MAGA cult member 2: Hush money. Yes.
Interviewer: And you're voting for him?
MAGA cult member 2: I am. My father had affairs too, and I still respect him.

MAGA Cult Member 3
Interviewer: How do you feel about Joe Biden using his bone spurs to dodge the Vietnam draft?
MAGA cult member 2: Joe Biden has a problem. He isn't an American; he isn't a patriot.
Interviewer: I'm sorry, I asked you, I said Biden, and I meant Trump. So those were things that Trump—
MAGA cult member 2: Oh, Trump?
Interviewer: Yes. Can I ask you the question again with the right name?
MAGA cult member 2: Yes, you may.
Interviewer: I'm so sorry. How do you feel about Donald Trump using his bone spurs to dodge the Vietnam draft?
MAGA cult member 2: My brother-in-law had flat feet, so I'm sure you cannot go into a military zone, a Vietnam zone, or any of the other zones with bad feet.
Interviewer: Sure.
MAGA cult member 2: You just can't do the job.
Interviewer: I agree.
MAGA cult member 2: and it actually impacts the other soldiers, puts them in danger.
Interviewer: Yeah.
MAGA cult member 2: So, no.
I had dinner with a friend last week, and he told me he realized that Trump followers were part of a cult in 2017 when he heard Sean Spicer, the former White House press secretary, say that Trump's inauguration in Washington DC had "the largest audience ever to witness an inauguration" both in person and globally," when it was clear that attendance was sparse. Throughout his career, Trump has asked people to do and say things that are not true to assess their loyalty, which is a hallmark of cult behavior. There is no other explanation for the way the people interviewed here responded with such contrasting views when confronted with the truth.