Kanye West, famed as a key Adidas footwear designer among other occupations, opened a glass-free private school named for his mother. It failed at the conclusion of his antisemitism-flavored reputational self-destruct sequence, and now the lawsuits are coming in: he wanted to shave the children's heads and lock them in cages.
Trevor Phillips, who also previously worked for West's fashion brand Yeezy, filed a lawsuit Tuesday, saying he suffered "severe discrimination, harassment, and retaliation" by West, who now goes by Ye.
Phillips accuses West of comparing himself to Adolf Hitler, saying he wanted to shave students' heads and lock them in cages.
The lawsuit also spells out alleged threats of physical violence, inappropriate sexual behavior, and anti-LGBTQ comments.
I always wondered how a "school" with no glass in its windows got its paperwork in California, and I feel clued in by this. Why does Kanye, staring into forever, start thinking about caging and shaving the children? Perhaps it was at some point mentioned to him that technically it's a therapy camp, like the ones parents have "troubled teens" imprisoned in.