"Mini rope bridges" are being installed in England's ancient forests, writes the BBC, to help hazel dormice travel around the treetops. Two tiny 65ft bridges have so far been installed in the Forest of Dean, where the mice's habitat has thinned due to ash dieback. The bridges let them stay off the ground and are designed to protect them from predators.
Forestry England, which set up the crossings, said they would "enable dormice to feel safer as they cross from one part of the wood to another". Ecologist Kate Wollen, from the organisation, explained: "Dormice do not like to come to ground except for hibernation. They feel vulnerable to predators when on the ground." Forestry England says hazel dormice need woodland or hedgerow trees and shrubs to live in during the warmer months.
Halfway through the BBC segment, I found myself saying in my best Werner Herzog voice: I would like to see the baby dormouse.
Previously: The adorable snoring dormouse (video)