Top chef at Disneyland's exclusive Club 33 named California Woman of the Year

Congratulations to Disneyland's Club 33 Chef Gloria Tae on being named a California Woman of the Year by the State Assembly!

As part of an incredible career, Gloria Tae has run all of the Disneyland resort's best restaurants. After serving as head chef at Napa Rose and Carthay Circle, it seems a no-brainer for her to run their most exclusive restaurant, the not-so-secret Club 33.

"But I'd rather be known as a talented chef as opposed to a talented female chef," Tae told the Disney Parks Blog.

Tae was recently honored as a Woman of the Year by the California State Assembly for being the first female chef de cuisine at Disneyland's private and secret Club 33.

"I am totally surprised, over the moon and happy," Tae said in a statement released by Disneyland. "This is totally unexpected, so I'm in a bit of a shock, but I feel so honored."

The OC Register

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