Donald Trump sadly compares himself to a saint: "Mother Teresa could not beat those charges" (video)

As Donald Trump walks out of the Manhattan courtroom of his criminal hush money trial, waiting for the jury to deliberate, he compares himself to none other than Mother Teresa.

"I would say, in listening to the charges from the judge, who is, as you know, very conflicted and corrupt — because of the confliction, very very courrupt — Mother Teresa could not beat these charges," the altruistic former one-term twice-impeached president said.

"The whole thing is rigged… You have a trial like this, where the judge is so conflicted he can't breathe. He's gotta do his job, and it's not for me, that I can tell you. It's a disgrace," Trump continued, before circling back to the odds stacked against His Holiness. "Mother Teresa could not beat those charges, but we'll see. We'll see how we do." (See video below, posted by Acyn.)

Of course, if Mother Teresa had paid an adult film star $130,000 to silence her so that she could run for president, she would not be Mother Teresa. She would be Donald Trump.