, the provider of One Million Checkboxes, is an unassuming little site that, as you might expect from the name, offers a variety of fun things, some informative, some frustrating, and some just fun.
The Password Game is hilarious but infuriating, as it increases the complexity requirements for your made-up password as you type. I enjoyed the Internet Artifacts, even if seeing AOL treated like something found on an archaeological dig makes me feel like I am a hundred years old. Playing Absurd Trolley Problems will make you take a good hard look at yourself when you choose who or what to run over with a runaway trolley car. (I'm looking at you, 22% of people who ran over five people instead of an Amazon package.)
One Million Checkboxes ended unceremoniously. The battle of checked versus unchecked boxes was won by team check. If, in its absence, you have longed for a place to passive-aggressively click things, head over to Neal's Sun vs Moon. At this writing, the Moon is solidly ahead. I hope there is something cool planned for the end of this one.

You will be asked if you are human before clicking and periodically after that to keep the inevitable bots at bay. I am now completely invested in the Moon, triumphing over the Sun. While there, I highly recommend signing up for Neal's newsletter and/or buying him a cup of coffee.
Go Team Moon!
Previously: Stack rocks at this relaxing rock-stacking website