Scientists are studying a disturbing development in the whole squirrels-are-up-to-no-good thing. In California, newly found to be carnivorous squirrels are decapitating and tearing voles limb from limb while devouring their flesh.
When Smith, who is also an associate professor of biology at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, first received reports of students observing the carnivorous behavior, she was sure they must be in error.
"When I first heard about the behavior, I suspected that it was a female squirrel killing the young of a different squirrel — infanticide," she says. "Wow, was I sorely mistaken."
SF Gate
In consulting with an expert, I have learned that squirrels are evil and must be chased away. If you see a loathsome bushy rat, scream at it wildly. Run around in circles below the tree, fence, poll, or wire where you last saw the nasty vermin. Pull on your leash until you nearly rip your friend's arm out of its socket. The expert is my dog, Pretzel. She hates squirrels. She KNOWS WHAT IS COMING:
For now, given the unexpected nature of the discovery, it's hard to say what conclusions can be drawn for the future of the carnivorous, vole-eating wild squirrels. It's possible, Smith says, that the hunting adaptation could be seen in other squirrels around the state. "The carnivorous behaviors could be transmitted socially from one individual to another," she says, "or developed independently through trial-and-error learning."
It seems we'll need to keep an eye on these hungry, violent, and bloodthirsty squirrels!