If you've never experienced the mellifluous sounds of the Fart Piano, you're truly missing out. What's a Fart Piano, you ask? It's a battery-operated toy that went by the full name of the Prank Star Fart Piano, and was made in 2014 by Skyrocket Toys. As this review by TTPM Toy Reviews explains, the Fart Piano is a one-octave piano that plays notes in six different kinds of bodily noises, including farts, belches, coughs, vomiting sounds, and more. The original Fart Piano also came with sheet music so you could learn to play your favorite songs.
I'm not sure how many Fart Pianos currently exist out in the world, but it's definitely a gift to the universe that one man, Los Angeles-based musician and composer Andy Rehfeldt, possesses one and uses it to make beautiful music, which he kindly shares with us all. He has used his Fart Piano to play along to many popular songs, including Taylor Swift's "Style," Iron Maiden's "The Trooper," Slayer's "Raining Blood," Ed Sheeran's "Shivers," the theme from The Exorcist, and—my absolute favorite—Europe's "The Final Countdown."
Is it ridiculous? Yes. It is sophomoric? Absolutely. Do I love it anyway? You betcha! Unfortunately, if you want your very own Fart Piano, it looks difficult to find one—they are sold out on every website advertising them. I bet you could eventually find a used one on eBay or on a vintage toy site, though, if you look hard enough and have enough patience. Good luck! And just know, if you ever find one, it's your civic duty to make music on it and share it with the world. Thank you.
To see more of Andy Rehfeldt's Fart Piano masterpieces, check out his YouTube or Facebook.