Crap Hound #6: Death, Telephones & Scissors! on Kickstarter

My copies of the beautifully designed clip-art zine Crap Hound are among my most treasured possessions. Sean Tejaratchi, the creator, has a Kickstarter to reprint Volume #6, which has a theme of "Death, Telephones & Scissors!"

Sean is currently working on a book-length version of Crap Hound devoted to "Unhappy People" to be published by Feral House Press, so we thought we'd reprint an old favorite — Crap Hound #6: Death, Scissors & Telephones with a 16-pg.

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CRAP HOUND clipart zine #7: Church and State

Issue 7 of Sean Tejaratchi's seminal clip-art zine CRAP HOUND is just about to hit the stands, thanks to the good folks at Portland's Reading Frenzy, a zine store par excellance. CRAP HOUND plunders its graphics from hundreds of sources and then features them in gorgeous, endlessly fascinating mosaics and layouts. — Read the rest

Crap Hound No. 6 – clip art magnificence

Chloe from Reading Frenzy (Portland's astounding zine store) just handed me a copy of Crap Hound No. 6, the latest installment in her press's steady reissuance of the seminal clip-art zine. Created by Sean Tejaratchi, Crap Hound issues each featured a grand, disjointed theme — issue six's is Death, Telephone and Scissors. — Read the rest

Boing Boing's 28 favorite books in 2019

Here's 28 of our favorites from the last year – not all of them published in the last year, mind you – from fairy-tales to furious politics and everything in between, including the furious fairy-tale politics getting between everything. The links here include Amazon Affiliate codes; this helps us make ends meet at Boing Boing, the world's greatest neurozine. — Read the rest

Encyclopedia of Hell – "Written by and for demons, instructing them on how to destroy mankind"

In 1911 journalist Ambrose Bierce published a scathingly satirical book called The Devil's Dictionary, which contained truer-than-true definitions of everyday words. (Example — Bore: A person who talks when you wish him to listen.) Exactly 100 years later came Martin Olson's Encyclopaedia of Hell, "a book that was 'written by and for demons, instructing them on how to destroy mankind.'" — Read the rest

Wonderful collection of zines 1984–93 donated to library

Josh Glenn has a great post with lots of photos of his collection of zines from 1984-1993, which he donated to University of Iowa Libraries. I hope they scan them soon!

Recently, the University of Iowa Libraries acquired the Joshua Glenn Zine Collection — somewhere between 1,000 and 2,000 zines that I squirreled away during the so-called Zine Revolution (1984–93, according to my eccentric reckoning), plus scores of letters from zine publishers, plus all sorts of ephemera related to the printing, distribution, and promotion of zines including my own: Luvboat Earth and Hermenaut.

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