Opioid-pushing Sackler family pays to get off the hook and gets to keep billions

Nearly 500,000 Americans died from opioids between 1999 and 2019 while the Sackler drug-dealing family enriched itself by illegally pushing addictive Oxycontin on patients.

New York Magazine reports that 15 state attorneys general have agreed to settle lawsuits against Purdue Pharma for its illegal sales practices that caused millions of people to become addicted to OxyContin. — Read the rest

Leaks reveal how the "Pitbull of PR" helped Purdue Pharma and the Sacklers ignite the opioid crisis

Propublica has obtained a tranche of leaked internal communications between the Sackler family's Purdue Pharma, makers of the lethal opioid Oxycontin, and Dezenhall Resources, known as "The Pitbull of Public Relations," whose previous client roster includes Enron CEO Jeff Skilling, Exxon and other "beleaguered corporations," who masterminded a "blame the victim" strategy that apportioned responsibility for Oxycontin's mounting death toll on the people who became addicted to it — not the Sacklers and Purdue, who falsified science, bribed doctors, and made billions from an epidemic that has now claimed more American lives than the Vietnam War.

UPDATE: New York State goes after the Sackler family's opioid fortune, claims they funneled their Oxy millions through offshore laundries

Update: We have received a legal letter from Thomas A. Clare, of Clare Locke LLP, writing on behalf of the Sacklers expressing the family's concern that the image of a guillotine and the "guillotine watch" tag originally accompanying this post would be interpreted as a call to violence against the Sackler family, who have, per Mr Clare, received such threats. — Read the rest

Meet the billionaire Sackler family behind the national opioid crisis

Full Frontal's Samantha Bee presents the Sackler family, "art patrons, cosmopolitans, and, believe it or not, almost single-handedly responsible for the nationwide opioid crisis."

The Sacklers aren't just rich. They are rich. They have wings named after them at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Louvre, an entire museum at Harvard, a center at the Guggenheim…
So how do you get to have this many museums name shit after you?

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The Sackler Family: best known for philanthropy, they made billions promoting Oxycontin

Purdue cynically created the American opiod epidemic through a combination of bribing medical professionals to overprescribe Oxycontin, publishing junk science, and aggressively lobbying regulators at every level to turn a blind eye to the destruction of the lives of millions of patient; while the company settled a record-setting criminal case, the name of the secretive family of billionaires who run Purdue and profited from the Oxy epidemic is best known for philanthropy, not profiteering: the Sackler family.

The Science of Science Communication: Xeni at Nat'l. Academy of Sciences Sackler Colloquium (live video feed)

I'm in Washington, DC today to participate in The National Academy of Sciences' second Sackler colloquium, which is organized "to advance a national dialogue about science communication."

Climate change… evolution… the obesity crisis… nanotechnology: These are but a few of the scientific topics dominating the world stage today.

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Forget drugs in candy — Halloween is a day of ritual sacrifice for the cult of the automobile

Have you heard that the National Drug Dealers Consortium is planning on spiking your children's Halloween candy bowl with rainbow-colored fentanyl this year? To hear the local news tell, these evil, mustache-twirling criminals are planning to give away hundreds of millions of dollars worth of illicit painkillers in hopes that a few 8-year-olds might get so hooked on the (genuinely addictive) pills that they start stealing money from their unknowing parents' purses and turn into regular customers for the hustlers. — Read the rest